External Funding Sources
- Languages.State.Gov (federally funded programs for the study of foreign languages)
- Freeman Asia (need-based scholarship for summer study in Asia)
- Critical Language Scholarship (fully funded summer study in designated intensive language programs)
- Gilman Scholarship (limited to Pell grant recipients to support study or intern abroad)
- Gilman-McCain Scholarship (John McCain International Scholarship for the Children of Military Families to support study or intern abroad)
- Blakemore Freeman Fellowships (postgraduate one-year fellowship for intensive language study)
Williams Funding Sources
- Wilmers Language Fellowships (summer funding for language study in a foreign country)
- Wilmers Travel Fellowships (summer funding for research projects that need foreign travel)
- Linen Fellowships for Summer Study in Asia (for language study or research projects)
- Chinese Breeze Series by Yuehua Liu & Chengzhi Chu
- Chinese Biographies Series by Grace Wu
- 三十而已(现代、女性、婚姻、爱情)
- 小欢喜 (现代、高考、家庭、搞笑、温馨)
- 亲爱的,热爱的(现代、爱情、热血、青春)
- 大江大河1(现代、正剧、历史)
- 人民的名义(现代、正剧、反腐)
- 鬼吹灯之怒晴湘西(盗墓、正剧、民国)
- 甄嬛传(古代、宫斗、正剧)
- 延禧攻略(古代、宫斗、正剧、爽剧)
- 传闻中的陈芊芊(古代、穿越、喜剧、爱情)
- 锦衣之下(古代、悬疑、探案、爱情)
- 琉璃(古代、玄幻、仙侠、爱情)
- 香蜜沉沉烬如霜(古代、仙侠、爱情)
- 庆余年(古代、热血、正剧、搞笑)
- 少年游之一寸相思(古代、武侠、爱情、冒险)
- 长安十二时辰(古代、正剧、权谋)
- 琅琊榜(古代、权谋、正剧)
- 谁是被害者(现代、罪案、社会议题)
- www.zdic.net (reliable character dictionary, with character stroke order)
- http://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=enctext.org (has Bopomofo)
- http://dict.youdao.com/ (Youdao Cidian)
- http://www.pleco.com (for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android)
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/perapera-kun-chinese-popup-tra/ (Perapera Chinese pop-up dictionary for Firefox)
- www.mdbg.net (reliable translations)
- www.nciku.com (excellent character recognition system, reliable word/phrase translations, useful sample sentences)
- www.iciba.com (useful sample sentences, good Chinese to English translations)
- www.mandarintools.com, which includes a Chinese Character Flashcards java applet for learning Chinese characters.
- Web-based Chinese-English Dictionary
- Chinese Books Cyberstore (new internet Chinese bookstore)
- www.cjkware.com (KEY System for students & teachers of Chinese)
- http://zhongwen.com (various items of interest related to Chinese language learning)
- http://fsi-language-courses.org/Content.php (free U.S. State Department FSI print and audio materials for Mandarin, Cantonese, and many other languages)
- https://www.chinesecalligrapher.com (automatically generates character practice sheets in different calligraphy styles)
(for Williams students only)
- Basic Spoken Chinese [CHIN 101, 102]
- Basic Spoken Chinese (Practice Essentials) [CHIN 101, 102]
- Basic Written Chinese [CHIN 101, 102]
- Basic Written Chinese (Practice Essentials) [CHIN 101, 102]
- Intermediate Spoken Chinese [CHIN 102, 201]
- Intermediate Spoken Chinese (Practice Essentials) [CHIN 102, 201]
- Intermediate Written Chinese [CHIN 102, 201]
- Intermediate Written Chinese (Practice Essentials) [CHIN 102, 201]
- Integrated Chinese - Level 2 Part 2 [CHIN 202]
- All Things Considered [CHIN 301, 302]
- The Lady in the Painting [CHIN 102]