Stanfield Professor of Asian Studies
Office Hours (when classes are in session): Tuesdays from 11:00-12:00 noon and Thursdays from 3:00-5:00 PM or by appointment.
M.A. Cornell University, Linguistics (1975)
M.A. National Taiwan University, Chinese Literature (1978)
Ph.D. Cornell University, Linguistics (1981)
Areas of Expertise
Pedagogy of Chinese as a non-native language, Sinitic languages and linguistics, East Asian linguistics, language contact, East Asian language teacher training and evaluation, East Asian language training program management and evaluation
CHIN 131 / ASIA 130 SEM
Basic Cantonese (not offered 2024/25)CHIN 152 / ASIA 152 SEM
Basic Taiwanese/Southern Min (not offered 2024/25)CHIN 162 / ANTH 162 / ASIA 162 / GBST 162 SEM
Languages of East Asia (not offered 2024/25)CHIN 431 LEC
Introduction to Chinese Linguistics (not offered 2024/25)Scholarship/Creative Work
A Handbook of Sinitic Languages, Dialects, and Non-standard Mandarin [with Clement Chu Sing Lau], Cambria Press, Amherst, New York, 2025.
Transfer and Convergence of Chinese Language Teaching Development Across Time and Space 華語教學發展時空移轉與匯集, ed. by Hsin Shih-Chang, Li Chen-ching, Chen Yea-fen, Chen Ya-chen, Tseng Chin-chin, Cornelius C. Kubler, and Curtis Dean Smith, Wunan Tushu Chuban Gongsi, Taipei, 2023.
Continuing Mandarin Chinese, Tuttle Publishing, Rutland, Vermont, 2020.
Continuing Mandarin Chinese Workbook, Tuttle Publishing, Rutland, Vermont, 2020.
Elementary Mandarin Chinese Workbook, Tuttle Publishing, Rutland, Vermont, 2020.
Elementary Mandarin Chinese, Tuttle Publishing, Rutland, Vermont, 2019.
Basic Mandarin Chinese: Speaking & Listening, Tuttle Publishing, Singapore, 2017.
Basic Mandarin Chinese: Speaking & Listening Practice Book [with Y. Wang], Tuttle Publishing, Singapore, 2017.
Basic Mandarin Chinese: Reading & Writing, Tuttle Publishing, Singapore, 2017.
Basic Mandarin Chinese: Reading & Writing Practice Book [with J. Kubler], Tuttle Publishing, Singapore, 2017.
Basis Chinesisch Sprechen (German translation by T. Kempa of my Basic Spoken Chinese), Chinabooks, Zurich, 2017.
Basis Chinesisch Sprechen: Űbungsbuch (German translation by T. Kempa of Basic Spoken Chinese Practice Essentials by C. Kubler and Y. Wang), Chinabooks, Zurich, 2017.
Hopkins-Nanjing Center Book of Memories, ed. by He Chengzhou and Cornelius C. Kubler, Nanjing University Press, 2016.
Basis Chinesisch Schreiben (German translation by T. Kempa of my Basic Written Chinese), Chinabooks, Zurich, 2016.
Basis Chinesisch Schreiben: Űbungsbuch (German translation by T. Kempa of Basic Written Chinese Practice Essentials by C. Kubler and J. Kubler), Chinabooks, Zurich, 2016.
Intermediate Written Chinese 進階中文讀與寫, Tuttle Publishing, 2015.
Intermediate Written Chinese Practice Essentials 進階中文讀與寫練習冊 [with J. Kubler], Tuttle Publishing, 2015.
Intermediate Spoken Chinese 進階中文聽與說, Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
Intermediate Spoken Chinese Practice Essentials 進階中文聽與說練習冊 [with Y. Wang], Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
Basic Written Chinese 基礎中文讀與寫, Tuttle Publishing, 2012.
Basic Written Chinese Practice Essentials 基礎中文讀與寫練習冊 [with J. Kubler], Tuttle Publishing, 2012.
Basic Spoken Chinese 基礎中文聽與說, Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
Basic Spoken Chinese Practice Essentials 基礎中文聽與說練習冊 [with Y. Wang], Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
500 Common Chinese Idioms: An Annotated Frequency Dictionary 成語五百條 [with L. Jiao and W. Zhang], Routledge, 2011.
What Works: Helping Students Reach Native-like Second-Language Competence [with B. Leaver et al.], MSI Press, 2008.
Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language in the Study Abroad Context 汉语作为第二语言习得的留华教育研究, ed. by C. Lee, C. Kubler, H. Liang, and V. Ling, Peking University Press, Beijing, 2008.
NFLC Guide for Basic Chinese Language Programs 基礎中文指南 (2nd ed.) , ed. by C. Kubler, National Foreign Language Resource Center, The Ohio State University, 2006.
Listening Comprehension in Chinese: Performing Comic Dialogs 說相聲, Far Eastern Publications, Yale University, 1995.
Read Chinese Signs 中文路標與招牌的認識 [with S. Chi], Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 1993.
The Development of Mandarin in Taiwan 國語在臺灣之演變, Student Book Company, Taipei, 1985.
A Study of Europeanized Grammar in Modern Written Chinese 白話文歐化語法之研究, Student Book Company, Taipei, 1985.
A Speaker from Taipei [with G. Ho], Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1984.
Vocabulary and Notes to Ba Jin’s Jia, Cornell University East Asian Studies Program, Ithaca, 1976.
“Hanyu Pinyin: Promise, Problems, and Possibilities” in Dorothea Wippermann, Andreas Guder, Jin Meiling,and Wang Jingling (Eds.), Hanyu Pinyin in der Didaktik der chinesischen Sprache und Zeichenschrift (Hanyu Pinyin in the Pedagogy of the Chinese Language and Writing System). Munich: IUDICIUM, 2022, pp. 75-94.
“How I Achieved Near-Native Proficiency in Chinese,” Journal for Distinguished Language Studies, vol. 8, 2022.
“Transformative Aspects of Teacher Education and Training for Preservice Instructors of Chinese and Japanese” in Betty Lou Leaver, Dan E. Davidson, and Christine Campbell (Eds.), Transformative Language Learning and Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 205-214.
“Considerations in Preparing Pedagogical Materials for Adult Native English-Speaking Learners of Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language” in The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Language Teaching, ed. by Chris Shei, Monica E. McLellan Zikpi, and Der-lin Chao. Routledge, London and New York, 2020, pp. 321-335.
“Chinese for Diplomats” in Chinese for Specific and Professional Purposes: Theory, Pedagogical Applications, and Practices, ed. by Hongyin Tao and Howard Hao-Jan Chen. Springer, Singapore, 2019, pp. 321-353.
语言运用与教学中 “地方普通话” 的一席之地 (A Place for “Putonghua with Local Accent” in CSL Teaching: From the Language Use Perspective) in 华文教学与研究 TCSOL Studies, 2019: 1, pp. 24-34.
“The Importance of Grammar Drills for Out-of-class Learning of Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language” in 語法動起來 Yufa Dongqilai, ed. by Jinhuei Enya Dai, Yao Yuwen, and Yu Liping. Xin Xuelin Chuban Gufen Youxian Gongsi, Taipei, 2018, pp. 15-32.
操练在对外汉语口语教学上的重要性 (The importance of drill in the teaching of Chinese as a second/foreign language) in 国际汉语教学研究 Journal of International Chinese Teaching, 2018: 1, pp. 47-53.
“The Foreign Service Institute (FSI), a valuable reference for academia” in The Field of Chinese Language Education in the U.S.: A Retrospective of the 20th Century 二十世纪美国中文教学界的回顾, ed. by Vivian Ling. Routledge, London, 2018, pp. 114-122.
“Study abroad via direct enrollment: my experience at two universities in Taiwan” in The Field of Chinese Language Education in the U.S.: A Retrospective of the 20th Century 二十世纪美国中文教学界的回顾, ed. by Vivian Ling. Routledge, London, 2018, pp. 182-193.
“Genesis and mission of the Hopkins-Nanjing Center” by Vivian Ling and Cornelius C. Kubler in The Field of Chinese Language Education in the U.S.: A Retrospective of the 20th Century 二十世纪美国中文教学界的回顾, ed. by Vivian Ling. Routledge, London, 2018, pp. 247-254.
“Developing course materials for technology-mediated Chinese language learning” in Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, vol. 12, issue 1, ed. by Cynthia White and Yanqun Zheng. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018, pp. 47-55.
“A New Perspective on the Chinese Writing System and Implications for Teaching Chinese” in 語言學與華語二語教學:課程設置與測試 (Linguistics and Chinese as a Second Language: Curriculum Development and Testing), ed. by Jia Yimin, Li Chunpu, and Wu Weiping. Commercial Press, Hong Kong, 2017, pp. 118-131.
“Some Suggestions for Learners and Teachers of English in Penghu” in Innovative Pedagogy and Ecological Perspective, ed. by Jinhuei Enya Dai. Xin Xuelin Chuban Gufen Youxian Gongsi, Taipei, 2016, pp. 135-144.
“Language Contact: Spoken, Written, European, Asian,” Journal of Chinese Studies Special Issue, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013, pp. 115-134.
“Promises and Perils of Educational Technology in Foreign Language Curriculum and Materials Development” in Media in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, ed. by W. Chan et al.. De Gruyter Mouton, 2011, pp. 69-85.
“A Synchronic and Diachronic Study of the Southern Min Dialects of Penghu: A Progress Report” in Perspectives on Chinese Language and Culture, ed. by Ik-sang Eom, Yea-Fen Chen, and Shih-Chang Hsin. Crane Publishing Co., Ltd., Taipei, 2010, pp. 287-303.
劃分中文的等級: 何者為 “難” , 何者為 “易” ? (How to Decide on Difficulty Levels in Chinese: ‘Hard’ vs. ‘Easy’) in 語言學與華語二語教學 (Linguistics and Chinese as a Second Language), ed. by W. Wu and S. Li. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2009, pp. 41-51.
“Conducting Teaching Observations in Chinese Language Study Abroad Programs,” in Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language in the Study Abroad Context, ed. by C. Lee, C. Kubler, H. Liang, and V. Ling. Peking University Press, 2008, pp. 219-233.
高级汉语口语语法与词汇的训练:对汉语非其母语学生的教学法研讨 (Teaching Advanced-level Spoken Chinese Grammar and Vocabulary to Non-native Learners) in Chinese Language Pedagogy: Interaction and Mutual Complementation in China and Overseas), ed. by Cui Xiliang. The Commercial Press, Beijing, 2007, pp. 169-184.
“The Handwriting Is On the Wall, But Can We Read It? Training Superior-to-Distinguished-Level Learners in the Recognition of Cursive Handwriting,” Journal for Distinguished Language Studies 3, 2005, pp. 27-40.
“Developing Superior-to-Distinguished-level Learners’ Listening Comprehension of Dialects and Dialect-Influenced Non-standard Speech”, Journal for Distinguished Language Studies 1:1, 2003, pp. 7-19.
“Learning Chinese in China: Programs for Developing Superior- to Distinguished-Level Chinese-Language Proficiency in China and Taiwan” in Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency, ed. by B. Leaver and B. Shektman. Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 96-118.
外籍生到中国学习汉语的一些问题 (Some Issues Related to Study Abroad in China) in W. He, H. Wu, and C. Wang, eds., International Research on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (special issue of Journal of Nanjing University), Nanjing, 2002, pp. 236, 249.
“Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Spoken Chinese and Written Chinese and Implications for Teaching Basic-Level Chinese to Non-Native Learners”, Linguistics Study (Supplement for 2001), Hubei University, 2001, pp. 12-14.
“Study Abroad as an Integral Part of the Chinese Language Curriculum”, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 32:3, 1997.
“A Framework for Basic Chinese Language Programs”, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 32:3, 1997.
“Recommendations of the U.S. National Task Force on Basic Chinese”, Chinesisch Unterricht 13, 1997.
“Teaching Advanced Conversation and Comprehension Through Xiangsheng”, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 28:1, 1993.
“Chinese Grammar and Expression Check List”, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 23:1, 1988.
“Code-switching Between Taiwanese and Mandarin in Taiwan” in The Structure of Taiwanese: A Modern Synthesis, ed. by L. Cheng and H. Huang. The Crane Publishing Co., Taipei, 1988.
“Training for High-level Language Skills”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, March 1987.
“A Dialect Survey of the Penghu Islands”, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 14:2, 1986.
“Allocation of Gender to English Loans in American German”, Fu Jen Studies 19, Fu Jen University, Taipei, 1986.
“Europeanized Grammar in Ba Jin’s Novel Jia”, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 20:1, 1985.
“The Five-minute Lecture”, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 20:2, 1985.
“The Influence of Southern Min on the Mandarin of Taiwan”, Anthropological Linguistics 27:2, 1985.
“Some Differences Between Taiwan Mandarin and ‘Textbook Mandarin'”, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 14:3, 1979.
“Dialect Hunting in the Pescadores”, The Asia Mail, July 1979, Washington, D.C.
閩語方言研究選目 “An Annotated Bibliography of Min Dialect Studies” [with P. Ting, T. Ho, C. Lo, H. Yang], Bibliography Quarterly vol. 11, no. 2 (September 1977), Taipei.
Awards, Fellowships & Grants
Grant from Taiwan Ministry of Education for Williams College Winter Studies Travel Course to Taiwan (2024, 2019, 2017, 2013, 2009, 2007)
Faculty World Fellowship, Williams College (2019-20, 2002-03)
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University (2019)
Resident Fellow, Oakley Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Williams College (Fall 2019, Spring 2010, Spring 2000)
Global Initiative Venture Fund Award, Williams College (to take CHIN 152 “Introduction to Taiwanese/Southern Min Language & Culture” class to Taiwan and Jinmen during Spring Recess in March 2019)
Chinese as a Second Language Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013)
Nelson Bushnell ’20 Faculty Prize for Excellence in Teaching and Writing, Williams College (2012)
Outstanding Alumnus, National Taiwan Normal University (2012)
Tuttle Language Grant Grand Prize (1999)
Fulbright Research-Lecturing Award to Taiwan (1996-97)
Mellon Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, National Foreign Language Center (1993)
Association for Asian Studies grant (1992)
Department of State Outstanding Performance Award (1990, 1989, 1988)
Superior Honor Award, American Institute in Taiwan (1987)
Professional Affiliations
Association for Asian Studies, Life Member
Chinese as a Second Language Teaching and Research Society, Founding Member
Chinese Language Teachers Association, Life Member
Linguistic Society of America, Life Member
Current Committees
- Global Studies
Asian Studies Program Advisory Committee
Global Studies Advisory Committee
Other Positions
Visiting Faculty Fellow, Associated Kyoto Program, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan (spring 2025)
Adjunct University Chair Professor, Master’s and Doctor’s Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (fall 2021 to present)
University Chair Professor, Master’s and Doctor’s Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (spring 2021)
Visiting Chair Professor, International Intercollegiate M.A./Ph.D Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (spring and fall 2020)
Professor of Chinese, Alliance for Language Learning and Educational Exchange (ALLEX) Chinese & Japanese Teacher Training Institute, Portland State University (summers 2011-13), Washington University in St. Louis (summers 2014-19)
Resident Director, National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), Northwest University, Xi’an, China (summer 2019)
Professor, International Summer School, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing (summers 2016-18)
American Co-Director, The Johns Hopkins University – Nanjing University Center for Chinese & American Studies, Nanjing, China (2014-16)
Visiting Professor, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (winter 2013-14)
Visiting Professor of Linguistics, Institute of Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong (spring semester 2011)
Visiting Professor, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University (Visiting Professor fall semester 2010; Fulbright Visiting Professor-Researcher, fall and spring semesters 1996-97)
Professor of Chinese, M.A. Program in Chinese, Middlebury College (summers 2007, 2008)
Founding Chair, Dept. of Asian Studies, Williams College (1993-99, 2003-09)
Chair, Asian Studies Program, Williams College (1992-93)
Chair, Dept. of Chinese, Williams College (1991-93)
Chair, Dept. of Asian & African Languages, Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State (1988-91)
Language Training Supervisor, Japanese Section, Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State (1987-88)
Principal, American Institute in Taiwan Chinese Language & Area Studies School (1981-87)
Scientific Linguist, Standard Chinese and Cantonese Sections, Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State (1980-81)
Visiting Instructor of Chinese, Eisenhower College (1979-80)
Coordinator, The Language Training & Testing Center, National Taiwan University (1977-78)
Instructor, The Language Training & Testing Center, National Taiwan University (1976-77)